Associating a Depreciation Class with an Asset

A depreciation class is associated with an asset-type item at the Item form in the Item Details tab. The asset’s added to this item will use the depreciation class assigned to the item when calculating depreciation for the asset.

To associate a depreciation class with an asset-type item at the Item form, refer to the steps below:

  1. Select Manage > Items from the navigation pane. The Manage Items page appears.
  2. To associate a depreciation class with an asset-type item, select the Edit icon for the item. The Edit Item form appears. Or, to associate a depreciation class with a new asset-type item, select the Add icon found at the top of the grid. The Add Item form appears. Mark the Asset check box in the Details tab.
  3. In the Depreciation Class field, click the drop-down arrow and select a depreciation class for this item from the list that appears (the list of depreciation classes is added to the application at the Depreciation Classes page). The information in this depreciation class is applied to depreciation calculation for all assets associated with this item.

  4. When you press the Save icon, this depreciation class is saved to the asset-type item.